Jamaica has a population of approx. 2.9 million with more than half a million Christians. It has been ranked amongst the dangerous places in the world due to the high rate of crime, drug dealing, gang violence and corruption. Rape and domestic abuse are now widespread hence a persisting need for fervent prayers to be made for this nation.
The DEM Prayer Ministry’s mission is to raise a prayer covering over the nation of Jamaica, with the focal point being that God’s plans and purposes will be fulfilled in this nation, its leaders and its people. We pray for the restoration of moral integrity and continue to declare God’s counsel over Jamaica. Also, that the powers and rulers of darkness influencing this region will be dethroned and Jesus enthroned. We stand in intercession for the church to; rise in power and glory, come to true repentance, be in unity with Christ and for souls to respond to the saving gospel of Christ. We intercede for the spiritual leaders, families, the government and more.
The DEM No Limits Prayer Lines for Jamaica meets for prayers every Tuesday at 3 am and Fridays at 7pm Eastern Caribbean Time.
Contact us if you will like to be a part of what God is doing in this nation.
Send an email to deministriesint.gmail.com