Beloved partner in the gospel,
I welcome you to the month of November. This month our focus is on building and strengthening our foundations in Christ through a lifestyle of thanksgiving, praise, and worship.
The bible says in Hebrews 13:15, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
Through Christ, we are to continually offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving. praise and worship to God. Friend, I want you to take particular notice of the words “continually” and “sacrifice”, because oftentimes we may not feel like giving thanks to God especially when we are going through very difficult and challenging situations and have several unanswered prayers. However it is the will of God for us to continually (not sometimes – but in the good and bad times), and sacrificially (not only when it’s convenient), give Him thanks in everything.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
It is my prayer that we will yield to the Holy Spirit to help and teach us how to continually and sacrificially offer to God a sacrifice of praise in everything.
May we present our lives, as a living sacrifice with our lips flowing continually with thanksgiving, praise, and worship to our God and saviour Jesus Christ who is worthy of it all.
God bless and increase you more and more.
If you are yet to register for the DEM prayer school, the new cohort will kick off in January. You can sign up by clicking the sign up form image above. To read more about the prayer school, click the images below.
If you are yet to register for the Treasure in Earthen Vessels (TIEV) course, the new cohort will kick off in January. You can sign up by clicking the sign up form image above. To read more about the TIEV course, click the image below.
You can catch a replay of the summits on our FaceBook page. Just search for Darlene Erbynn Ministries on Facebook